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Prophetic Letter

Michelle May Ministries

Dear Sons and Daughters,
You are an important part of My plan to release The Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. I chose you and I am releasing 1,000 generations of blessings over you. The great cloud of witnesses is praying for you. They see you. I see you. You are not forgotten or invisible. How could I forget one so precious to Me? Your name is written on the palm of My hand and I am interceding for you day and night. You are always covered in My prayers and I have never and will never leave you. My presence is in you and around you. I go before you and prepare a way for you. I am your rearguard. I am growing stronger in you each day, even the days when you feel weak and even the days when you feel like you failed. I am in your past and present and will be in your future.

My love for you remains a steady rock under your feet. With Me, you are on solid ground. Regardless of the storms, trials, and circumstances that surround you, I am unchangeable. I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. My love for you is based on who I am, not on who you are. Your sins were forgiven when I sacrificed Myself so that you would have eternal life. That forgiveness was delivered to you the moment you asked me, the Messiah, the Christ, into your heart. I sacrificed Myself because I would do anything for you, even die for you. My love for you is immeasurable, unstoppable, infinite, and unending. Nothing that you do will increase or decrease My love for you; My love is pure and holy as I am pure and holy.

I have many plans for you; they are good plans to bring about the purpose for which you were created. I have abundance planned for you here on earth. Your Divine Destiny was written before you were born. You are an important part of My plan. I believe in you. I will never give up on you.

I have always loved you. I love you now. And I will always love you.
Go forth and receive My Blessing.

Jesus with Abba Father and Holy Spirit

SCRIPTURES the letter was based on: John 15:16, Isaiah 49:16, Romans 8:26, Deut. 31:6, Deut. 32:4, Deut. 32:31, Psalm 18:31, Psalm 103:12, John 10:10, 2 Cor. 5:15, Hebrews 13:8, Romans 5:6-8, 1 Sam. 2:2,
Luke 1:49, Jer. 29:11-13, Psalm 139:16-17

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